MEES guidance - what's in store for domestic properties?
Nicholas Ainger, MD Bierce
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards took effect from April 2018 and state that it is unlawful to let a property that has an energy rating of band F or G. These properties are deemed to be 'sub-standard'.
There is an exemption register for properties that cannot attain a Band E, allowing some sub-standard properties to still be let. The current domestic regulations state that a landlord only needs to utilise grants, funding and/or Green Deal finance to carry out energy saving measures that are recommended on the EPC to bring the banding up to E or above; there is no compulsion for a landlord to spend any of their own funds.
It may be possible to enter sub-standard properties onto the exemption register for a period of 5 years. The standards only apply to properties that have an existing EPC on the central register but voluntary EPCs (situations where owners/occupiers who are not legally required to have an EPC but have obtained one voluntarily) will not be required to meet the minimum standards. The regulations will capture all properties which continue to be let from 1st April 2020, encompassing existing tenancies as well as new ones. Properties that haven’t required an EPC (because they have been continuously let to the same tenant since before 1st October 2008) will continue to be exempt until an EPC is legally required.
Doing nothing is not an option.
Bierce has a wealth of experience in both assessing properties for energy efficiency and sourcing funds and grants to install energy saving measures. Our expert team can assist and if provided with a property portfolio address list we can:
- Provide a report of which properties have an existing EPC
- Record the date of the EPC and its expiry date
- State the energy rating and band
- Record the recommendations listed on the EPC and their assumed effect on the rating
- Advise on funds/grants that are available for improvements such as loft and cavity wall insulation
We can advise on their impact, in terms of carrying out energy saving measures or seeking a registration on the exemptions register.
Contact Nicholas Ainger MRICS, for further advice, information and to register for future updates.
01296 311898