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The Warm Home Discount (WHD), delivered by participating energy suppliers, is a key policy in the government’s programme to tackle fuel poverty and the effects of rising energy prices on low income households. The lion’s share of the WHD is delivered as a £140 discount through eligible customers’ winter electricity bills. As those living in park homes typically do not have a contract with any energy supplier, they have historically been excluded from receiving any WHD. DECC sought to address this inequity through changes to the programme’s rules in early 2015, and Ofgem, the scheme administrator, has taken the lead to ensure that the opportunity to help park home residents is developed.
Our Approach
The trial scheme aimed to deliver energy advice and offer a rebate of £140 to qualifying residents living in park homes. Drawing on AgilityEco’s extensive experience, Ofgem embarked on the creation of a park homes industry initiative, to be run by a third party delivery partner and with the support of at least one park home residents’ association.
AgilityEco was identified to have the specific expertise and ability to deliver the required consultancy support to Ofgem. Following the appointment, AgilityEco was commissioned to project-manage the design and launch of the trial scheme, which is now successfully delivered and runs through until the end of March 2016. On successful completion of the trial, it is expected that, subject to government’s final scheme design for next year, and funding commitment from the energy suppliers, the trial will be scaled up to a full national roll-out.
Our Solution
AgilityEco is now working with Ofgem on a report detailing all the necessary steps to scale up the trial “Park Home Industry Initiative”. It has built a financial “value for money” case for the initiative, to demonstrate the cost effectiveness of extending the scheme to the wider park home resident community, as well as a more general report identifying the key steps involved in mobilising a group-funded Industry Initiative.