Display Energy Certificates: Now required for smaller public buildings

If you manage smaller public buildings (250m2 - 500m2) you will be required by law to have a valid Display Energy Certificate (DEC) and Advisory Report (AR) from 9th July 2015.

Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are designed to show the energy performance of public buildings. 

Any building occupied by a public authority and frequently visited by the public with a total floor area between 250m2 - 500m2must have a valid Display Energy Certificate (DEC) and Advisory Report (AR). Both these documents are valid for 10 years.

Public authorities must display their DEC in a prominent place clearly visible to the public, e.g. near the building’s entrance. They can be fined £500 if they don’t.

DECs & Advisory Reports continue to be required for eligible buildings of 500m2 – 1000m2 and are also both valid for 10 years.

DECs for buildings of 1000m2 or more remain valid for 1 year and the Advisory Report for 7 years.  

Only a fully accredited DEC Assessor can undertake and issue your certificate. As well as an on-site inspection, assessors may require a discussion with the building manager regarding energy efficiency energy management. It is necessary to provide a full 12 months' of electricity and heating bills to calculate the operational rating.

Our fully qualified and experienced DEC Assessors are based countrywide, providing a first-class, responsive service. 

For further information or to book your DEC Assessment, call AgilitySurvey on 01296 311898.